Bethel Church welcomes you. We are a small congregation of firm believers in God’s grace and omnipotent power, and we trust that our fellowship with each other at Bethel is in the Lord. We welcome you to join us in our worship service every Sunday morning, and ask that you please pray for us when at the Throne of Grace.
Pastor's Message
Welcome to Bethel Primitive Baptist Church’s website. We hope this site provides you with information about who we are, what we believe, and might encourage you to come visit with us and worship together with us.
The New Testament message of “Come and See” (John 1:46) is still both profound and simple for the disciple of the Lamb. We encourage you to come and see a place where the Master’s brethren dwell and meet a man that “told me all things that ever I did.” (John 4:29) The Church is a refuge for the child of God in this cold and dreary world. For God’s children that hunger and thirst after righteousness and are downtrodden from the assaults of the world, we believe that Bethel is a place of rest, peace, and joy.
The Church does not distinguish and separate into groups based on age, gender, or otherwise. We believe in family-oriented worship, and we are currently blessed to have a body of people ranging from the very young to the aged. All groups feed together from the common well of God’s pure water. Just as the message of Come and See is still valid and relevant today, so also is the mode of worship that Christ prescribed that it must be done “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) At Bethel we attempt to worship God according to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus with a fervent spirit of thanksgiving and praise.
Our order is simple, our manner of life is basic, but the worship of God is sweet, powerful, and beyond compare to any other earthly enterprise. We truly feel that Bethel is a place where God visits with His people, and we invite you to come meet with Him with us, and if God would bless, find a home here before we go to our ultimate home with Him in heaven and immortal glory. We at Bethel feel that the words of an old hymn apply to us in our time here: "Thus far the Lord has led me on, thus far His pow’r prolongs my days, and ev’ry evening shall make known some fresh memorials of His grace."
In Hope,
Elder Philip N. Conley