When we visit with our closest family and friends, we are generally more free to share our deepest emotions and thoughts. It is a trusted group/audience that we feel comfortable “letting our hair down” and not playing things close to the vest. There were times in Jesus’ pilgrimage here on earth that He shared things with only a few. For example, the disciples got to see things that not everyone got to experience. There were even times when a select group from the disciples experienced things that the other disciples didn’t. The Mount of Transfiguration – as relayed in Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9 – shows that only Peter, James, and John went up with Him. Only they saw and experienced that event. Even though that moment was singular in history, Peter alludes to it in II Peter 1 when declaring the Scriptures a “more sure word of prophecy” than that event. Therefore, what they saw in that scene is had in a more profound way by the household of faith today. It occurs when we have the Scriptures opened to us as we come up into Mt. Zion with Him apart from this world for a little while.
Coming Up: When we assemble in the Church of the Firstborn, we have to come up from the world for a little while. While still on this earth, we have come to a place that is above this low ground of sin and sorrow, but it is not quite heaven itself as it is just the earnest of our inheritance. It is a special time in a special place that we get to see things with our Lord and hear things that the world knows nothing of. While it would be wonderful for all the family of God to experience and know these things, just like the apostles of that day, not all will see and experience this joy of the whole earth. While in this unearthly place, our Lord comes manifestly to us in a way that is not like at other times. They saw His face shine as the sun, raiment white and glistering like no fuller on earth can white them, and saw the souls of saints talking with Him in heaven.
Voice and Persons: While Elijah and Moses appeared with Christ in glory as Peter, James, and John beheld, there was a voice that superseded those there present. Even though Peter knew who the characters were, the Father thundered from a cloud that Jesus was the One that truly mattered. His words of “hear ye Him” ring just as true today as they did then. While we have the words and testimony of men like Moses in the law, Elijah in the prophets, and even the apostles then present through gospel and epistle, the heart of all those messages is the Son of God and God the Son. He is the central focus of everything in Scripture. As He told the Pharisees, the Scriptures testify of Him. (John 5:39) As He told two on the road to Emmaus, all the Scriptures are expounded regarding Him. (Luke 24) The end result of these things is to bring hope. (Romans 15:4) When we read and expound the Scriptures, we should be hearing Him talk to us in every syllable on every page.
Alone and in Focus: When Moses and Elijah departed and the Father was done speaking, they were alone with Christ again. However, the focus of the message in hearing Him was what was talked about. Rather than focus on Moses and Elijah, what they talked about was His death that He should accomplish at Jerusalem. When we peruse the pages of Holy Writ, we are looking at the testimony of His death which He did accomplish for us at Jerusalem. The focus is singular because His work is singular. The glory is focused on Him because His work was focused to us personally. No matter how often told, the story is ever fresh because the power of the work is unbending and never-ending. We can go to the mountain of the Lord to meet with Him through His word in the power of the Spirit and receive the news all over again of how powerful, complete, and eternal His work abides to His beloved.
Even Today: When people today talk about things like the Bible, church, and the things most surely believed among us, normally these talking points do not rise to the level of importance as news, politics, family, job, or even hobbies. If you desire to know what a person holds most dear, all you have to do is consider what they talk about, spend their time doing, and spend their money to accomplish. Nothing on earth reveals like the tongue, the action, and the dollar. Our time, voice, and means should be spent first and foremost to meet with Him. When the Book is opened, let us remember that it is not just words on a page but us getting to “hear ye Him.” When the story is told o’er and o’er, may we consider that it is the same message that is told in glory by people like Moses, Elijah, and all the other souls of departed saints. When the assembly comes together, may we remember that while on terra firma, we are soaring on eagles’ wings to run and not be weary, walk and not faint.
The Church of Christ we have today,
A blessing from the Lord;
He gave her to His Son to save,
And take her home above.
She was His bride before she knew,
She had a Husband dear;
And when for her His choice was made,
It caused her to draw near.
When she adorned with all His grace,
Shall be exalted there,
No queen with all her glory here,
Was ever half so fair.
The turtledove is singing now;
The winter’s past and gone;
Rise up my fair one, come away!
I’ll take you home to stay.
In Hope,
Bro Philip