Getting a Glimpse

There are moments in life when we do things not for our own benefit, but for the assistance of others.  Parents many times do things to benefit their children, and this not only doesn’t benefit the parent but can many times be a sacrifice.  So likewise, the perfect Parent gives His children things that benefit us, but do not add anything to His personage.  David was given a glimpse into the heavenly conversation in Psalm 110:1, when he was able to hear what the Godhead spoke between the Persons.  This was not for God’s benefit but for David’s – and ultimately for all of us who have been blessed to read and understand the words written down through the ages.

The LORD: The verse begins with the speaker being identified as the LORD.  When the translators of the King James put certain things in English, they were good enough to identify certain things by how they appear on the page.  When you read LORD in all caps, they are identifying the name Jehovah as the one under consideration.  The word Lord can refer to many different rulers, even earthly ones, but the LORD is reserved for God and God alone.  This name for God was so respected and revered by Jewish scribes and scholars that whenever they went to write the word down, they would wash their hands before doing so, and then wash them again when they were finished.  Such was the reverence for God’s name, and would to God that it were so revered and set by today.  Unfortunately, the very irreverent culture that we live in cannot fathom such displays of reverence and submission to power and glory.

My Lord: Now that we have identified the speaker in this verse, the attention shifts to who is being spoken to.  David calls Him “my Lord.”  Distinguishing between Jehovah and my Lord, David is witnessing a conversation between God and His Son.  The Son of God is David’s Lord – as He is ours – and though He would come as David’s offspring in a natural way, He is David’s root in a Lordship fashion. (Revelation 22:16) God was not beholden to show David what He told His Son.  However, the heavenly message provided the strength David needed for that day.  Likewise, when we get glimpses of the heavenly message, it is for our benefit and edification as well.

The Message: What God told His Son was ultimately a message of victory, dominion, and authority.  God gave His Son a place at His own right hand, and further all His enemies were made His footstool.  That message is still just as relevant and true today as it was in David’s day.  No matter what current events unfold, and no matter how sore the trials become, God is still on His throne ruling and reigning with all enemies put under His feet.  David as a king knew how this kind of authority works, and today as being kings and priests to God, so should we understand that this power and authority is firmly entrenched in the One who has it.  The only way an enemy can shake this condition and position is to overthrow the power of the one who holds it.  Since none are as powerful as God with none having His dominion and authority, this condition and position remains and is unshakeable. (Hebrews 8:1)

Further Glimpses: It is hard for us sometimes to “see” that God’s enemies have been made His footstool when we see the rampant darkness and iniquity both without and within.  One great enemy that we still see and face is death.  Another is what leads to death: depravity.  To us and our vantage point, these things seem to be loose and “living large.”  However, when blessed with a glimpse of a heavenly conversation that provides to us a message from home, we by faith can reach out and reach up to hold on to the blessed truth and promise that One (our Lord) is still at the LORD’s right hand.  He has vanquished His foes, and they are put under His feet.  Paul describes in I Corinthians 15 that death is the last enemy that we “see not yet” all things put under His feet.  Yes, death is still a reality of life, but He is alive and set on the right hand of God.  Because of that, we don’t see it manifestly, but we are given glimpses of the completed work in heaven right now.

God’s word is a series of glimpses and messages that show us things to better help us understand what is truly reality no matter what our senses perceive.  To our natural senses, things grow colder and worse.  To our perspective, the world falls further and further into murky depths.  However, faith testifies that God is alive, our Lord is seated there, and all enemies have been put down.  Such a glorious message puts pep in the step of a downtrodden lamb.  Such insight into the workings of God give hope as a light in a dark place like nothing else does.  He is not “added to” by giving us these things, but thank God these things “add to us” in the sense that we can look beyond the pale and see the great light coming of the reality of the eternal day.  Thanks be unto Him for this immeasurable gift, for no matter how often it is spoken, it never wanes or loses its power and purpose.

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