Recently I just finished the Bible again in my chronological reading, and as is the case, the last thing I read is Revelation. Though much of that book is a mystery to me, a lot of the pitfalls and problems that people get wrapped around the axle about can be avoided by keeping the focus on the right thing. The main takeaway from the book of Revelation – yea even the whole of Scripture itself – is that Jesus wins! When looking at all those detailed and troubling creatures in Revelation, there is a sharp contrast made by looking also at Jesus Christ. People want to know who the beast is, what is the significance of 666, etc. Yet, when finishing the description of him in Revelation 13, how does John begin chapter 14? Behold, he saw a Lamb on Mount Sion! No matter how ghastly the world becomes, how troubling the times we live in, or how far the forces of darkness seem to prevail, there is still a mount where we can behold the Lamb of God which hath taken away the sin of the world.
Distraction: One of the many effective tools the devil uses is distraction. It is right up there with worry, anxiety, fear, and pride. Sometimes the distraction isn’t even sinful in and of itself, but fully devoting to it, people’s distraction becomes their god based on the time and energy they put into it. One of the simplest and plainest commands in Scripture is to seek His kingdom and righteousness first (Matthew 6:33). When that missive is met, all the necessities of life are added unto us. When I was a boy, it was common for community activities – sports, bazaars, etc. – to not be held on Sunday. It was also quite common that Wednesday evenings received a pass as well. Communities back then observed that their activities shouldn’t pull people from going to church. Now, it is highly common for all these things and more to happen every Sunday, and people work 5-6 days a week, participate in their activities on Sunday, and then rinse and repeat the next week. While jobs are not sinful, neither are many of these activities sinful in and of themselves, they have successfully squeezed the “first thing” right out of the week’s window.
Importance: Man has been quite good at times to mask what he really finds important. Sometimes words say one thing, but the actions something quite different. When I was a young minister, I heard a powerful sermon where the preacher showed Scripturally that where our time, money, and energy were most most used, he could then tell us what was most important to us. Those are the most important commodities that we have, and how we invest them shows where we place most value. As Jesus taught, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Are we willing to sacrifice of our time, means, and self to something? If so, then we find it important in our lives and where we choose to focus. Focusing on the beasts and perishable things of this old world leads to more questions and despondency. Focusing on the Lamb leads to more joy and peace.
Transitions: One of the only constant things in life is change one philosopher of old posited. Something popular today will be gone tomorrow. People of importance this year may be passed on by next year. Such is the nature of life. Yet, things like news services and other outlets want us to focus our minds solely on the important thing of the day. What is the popular story? What is the championship sports team? Who is the next leader, president, etc.? And the list goes on. Are these things sinful? No. Should they occupy the chief place in our mind and heart? Why should they when they’ll be displaced by something else tomorrow, next week, or next year?
Endurance: Looking at those beastly things and events from the book of Revelation, they all come to nothing and pass away. When looking at the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, He is the same as He’s ever been, and will one day take the mount up with Him to His Father when the end comes. One of the main reasons we should endure hardness as good soldiers is because our Captain has endured, still endures with us, and will endure even unto the end into the endless bliss of eternity. Though salvation has already been attained by His gracious work, He still bears long with us, ever liveth to make intercession for us, and goes through the trials of this life with us. Some of the beasts that John saw in his day were gone soon thereafter. Most of the shiny things of my life have come and gone. However, if you look, you can always find the Lamb in His place with His people. He’s worth looking for, and the guarantee of blessing means more than all the shiny toys this world could proffer. May our minds and hearts stay pointed heavenly looking for and hasting unto Him and the day of His coming.
In Hope,
Bro Philip